Our Story
Equistry started from a passion about horses and history. Covering mounted re-enactment from early Roman invasion to WWI, we’ve been invited to perform in shows with our equine stars across England, Wales and up to Scotland. Simon
has been involved with mounted re-enactment for over a decade, performing regularly as a Roman, knight and trooper. Kaitlyn, although newer to re-enactment, is a talented equestrian who manages the day to day operation, training
and booking.

We perform theatrical or historical demonstrations as well as providing horses and riders for bigger displays, photoshoots, film and television. We also have regular training aimed at re-enactors improving their riding and skills-at-arms as well as running specialised courses for actors to gain confidence and control on horseback. Future clinics may also involve desensitisation for horses and their riders.
Our horses are specially trained to be comfortable riding in formation, against infantry and surrounded by gunfire, shouting, music and swords. They can joust, carry side saddle and do some tricks. Our ethos is that horses need to have variety in their training to have well-rounded and balanced lives. They live out most of the year as a herd with access to shelter and forage 24 hours a day.

Memphis Belle (Bella) is the longest-standing equine member and it shows. She loves being the centre of attention and bossing her herd-mates around. Jumping is her real passion.

Jimbob (Jim) is a been-there, done-that type who has taken to all the training and skills like a champ. He’s the biggest of our herd at nearly 17hh.

Raven is the baby of the bunch and a blank canvas when we started training her. She’s performed in the Sealed Knot and for The Troop as well as enjoying hacking and cross country.